Sunday, July 7, 2013

My days of con

Until further notice, here are my con plans:

 Thursday: Wearing Slade Wilson.
 10:00 am: Get in line for Ballroom 20.
 3:30: Watch XF panel (Sherlock panel is welcome bonus if I get in)
 4:30: Run over to John Barrowman panel.
 6:00: Done with panels. Walk the con in costume.
 6:30: Start my evening.

Friday: Wearing Kate Bishop.
8:30 Get in line for Ballroom 20.
 1:45 Agents of SHIELD
 Sit through The Following panel (I'm sorry)
4:00 Almost Human screening and panel. (Maybe change into Laurel)
5:15 Fan favorites panel with Katie Cassidy and Yvonne Strahoski
6:15 Maybe Joss Whedon.
7:15 Go about my life. OR:

Go to SHIELD panel and GTFO to enjoy other things.

 Saturday: Wearing Lady Captain America.
9:00: Get in line for Hall H (To get into the Women Who Kick Ass panel by 3)
 4:15 20th Century Fox
5:15 Cry about Arrow panel happening in Ballroom 20.
6:00 Marvel Studios panels.
8:00pm 25ABC Try to watch Arrow panel on the playback.

 Sunday: Wearing Slade Wilson or Laurel Lance. Enjoy the convention.

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